Future Classroom Lab Norway
The professional network for future classroom labs in teacher education is formed to sustain collaboration that have previously been maintained by the Directorate of Education. This national network consists of and is run by Universities and University colleges in Norway. The new board and network was founded on the 11th of may 2021.
Current member organizations
Inland Norway University of Applied Science (HiNN)
NLA University College (NLA)
Nord University (UiN)
University of Agder (UiA)
University of Stavanger (UiS)
University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)
UiT – The Arctic University of Norway (UiT)
Volda University College (HVO)
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL)
Current board members
Kjerstin B.Danielsen, UiA (Leader)
Lisbet Rønningsbakk, UiT (Assistant Leader)
Paolo Scarbocci, UiS (Lead Ambassador)
Anita Flaen Mæland, USN (Co-Lead Ambassador)
Jan Erik Ølmheim, HVL
Synnøve Hedemann Amdam, HVO
Ingeborg Amundrud, HiNN
Runar Eikhaug, NLA
Marianne Hagelia, HiØ
Mari-Ann Letnes, NTNU
The network aim to:
- promote and support technological competence in teacher education
- promote and support teacher education in developing professional digital competence
- develop networking and sharing experiences in our Future classroom labs
- contribute to develop a close relationship and professional relationship to the field of practise
- contribute to support institutions in Teacher Education who have established new environments for learning through the use of technology and organized as a Future Classroom lab.
- contribute to collect research connected to the use of technology in schools and kindergarden
The network is open for all universities and university colleges who use inventive methods and technology for improving Teacher Education. Our network will organize different kind of activities and events:
- digital and ordinary physical network conferences
- develop a website with shared resources
- share (and create) common learning resources
- create an environment to do networking and to find meeting places for our institutions
- secure and maintain contact with European Schoolnet and the Future Classroom Lab-network (Lead/Co-Lead Ambassador)
- coordinate and share information within our network
- arrange workshops/practical courses
- secure and maintain regional needs