European Schoolnet is the network of 33 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. As a non-profit international organisation, we aim to bring innovation in teaching and learning to our key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers, and industry partners.»
European Schoolnet created and opened the first Future Classroom Lab i Brussels in 2012. A key role in the Future Classroom Lab network is the Lead Ambassador role. As of 2022 there are 21 Lead Ambassadors from 15 countries.
Lead Ambassadors in Norway
Paolo H. Scarbocci, Norway
Lead Ambassador
Assistant professor in digital media at the Faculty of Arts and Education. University of Stavanger, Norway.
Project manager at Didaktisk digitalt verksted (DDV)/Didactic digital edulab.
Didaktisk Digitalt Verksted (DDV) at the University of Stavanger (UiS) is an edulab used by researches and preservice teachers at the Faculty of Arts and Education at UiS. The edulab is the center for rethinking teaching and learning by introducing new technologies in our teacher education in Stavange. Our edulab is also closely connected to similar edulabs in Norway and we do exiting projects in different schools through a decentralized competence model.

Anita Flaen Mæland, Norway
Co-Lead FCL Ambassador
Teacher and Project Manager for DigTekLab, a future classroom lab and makerspace for teacher educators and teachers in training at the University of South-Eastern Norway.
We facilitate learning and competence development through various workshops and activities. The focus is on to investigate, explore, and use creative processes within pedagogical use of digital technology. We work with makerspace, programming, 3D, laser cutting, VR/AR, computer games and production of media.